With many countries experiencing high prevalence rates of HIV scaling up\nART, it is vital to assess quality assurance in health facilities accredited to provide\nthese HIV and AIDS-related services. Reviewed literature indicates that\nthere are limited studies in Zambia on the capacity of accredited health care\nfacilities to provide effective HIV/AIDS related services. Using data from a\nlarge ethnographic qualitative study in a resource poor rural setting in Zambia,\nthis paper assesses quality assurance in health facilities to providing\nHIV/AIDS services in a remote rural setting. Findings show that although\nHIV and AIDS related services were available at the remote rural health facility\nof Chivuna, the services provided did not meet the WHO minimum guidelines/\nstandards on the provision of such services. Therefore, there is need for\nsuch facilities to be adequately equipped in all the departments of ART delivery\nso as to ensure effective delivery of these services and universal access.